When Should I Get My Hair Byngage Again

Why won't my pilus grow?

Why can't I retain length?

What could I exist doing wrong?

As these and a million other questions run through your mind, we want yous to just breathe and relax…

Hair growth is one of the about pressing of the hair trials and tribulations. Y'all feel like your hair growth is stagnant, that no matter what yous do (like all the promising pilus masks) your hair just won't go by the length that it is now. Only like annihilation else, information technology can be figured out.

There are enough of reasons why hair decides not to grow by a certain length. Anything from your diet, chemical imbalances, or the products you may be using tin can make it challenging for your hair to grow.

We all want long, healthy, shiny and impairment-free locks, and we know how frustrating it can be when that doesn't seem obtainable.

Nosotros promise that (in some capacity) it is, and luckily for you, we have broken down the reasons why your hair may non be growing and some tricks to aid in the hair growth process.

Why Won't My Pilus Grow?

i. Genetics

So when it comes to an individual'south pilus growth, each person has a hair cycle growth stage where their hair has the potential to reach its longest length.

The terminal length of hair is the maximum length that it could mayhap accomplish without being cut or damaged. Pilus does non necessarily stop growing when it reaches a specific length simply information technology does once a sure menses of time has passed (the cycle of your pilus growth).

The growth phase of pilus is mostly determined by genetics and can last anywhere betwixt two and six years. On average, near hair grows about one-half an inch per month and each hair finishes the cycle at unlike points (the reason people take multiple hair lengths on their heads).

2. Shedding

Everyone sheds hair! Shedding pilus is completely normal and natural.

Information technology is a role of the hair growth process. Erstwhile hair is shed so that new hair can grow. Fifty-fifty the healthiest of scalps shed upward to 150 strands of hair a twenty-four hours.

When your pilus loss starts to occur faster than your hair regrowth, so you lot run into a problem of your shedding existence excessive and probably caused by something else (like many of the other reasons nosotros volition talk about).

iii. Historic period

Similar to your genetics, age can also be a reason why your pilus won't grow. Age affects hair growth considering your hair'south growth cycle becomes shorter every bit you get older.

Besides, as you go older your pilus tends to get weaker because of everything you put it through throughout your life, like styling, processing, bleaching, but also your nutrient habits and physical health. Your original 6 year cycle trickles to a 2 year bicycle, making pilus thinner and unable to abound past a certain bespeak.

4. Stress level

Stress seems to affect pretty much everything about our health, including our advent.

Emotional and physical stress are linked to hair loss and an overall decrease in the quality of pilus. Stress is detrimental to our hair growth as it restricts the hair growth wheel.

Treating yourself to relaxing activities to decrease stress levels will non only ameliorate your mental wellness, just also the wellness of your hair.

5. Hair Breakage

Breakage is probably 1 of your hair's arch nemeses. The average person'south pilus grows about six inches every year. If your pilus is non being cared for properly (too little care or too much intendance) and it is breaking off merely as fast as it grows, then your pilus will stay the same length until some habit is changed.

Some of the most common means to cause hair breakage are:

Heat Styling

We think you all might get it past now, but if you oasis't, excessive oestrus is bad news!

Every fourth dimension your hair comes into contact with a hot tool merely keep in mind that the impairment you are causing affects your hair growth. If you want to grow out your hair, you have to go along it as healthy as possible, and frying your hair with hot tools will crusade your hair to become brittle and break, ruining whatever dreams of gaining length.

If you lot demand a replacement for your hot tools, try a RevAir Opposite Air Dryer. You can dry and straighten your hair without the frying that the other hot tools give you. Plus the RevAir can help smooth your cuticles which promotes healthy and shiny pilus.


While experimenting with hair dye, relaxers, perms, and highlights may be fun, it is not the best when y'all want to grow out your pilus. Exposing your hair to chemicals strips it of its natural oils and dyes crusade your cuticle to lift (when it should be apartment), ultimately leading to split ends and breakage. Which, again, breakage makes it almost impossible to grow your hair past a certain length.

Ambitious Styling

Styling your hair tin can be frustrating, but you don't desire to accept it out on your locks past being aggressive. Tight hairstyles, using uncovered elastics, brushing your hair forcefully, are all ways to cause breakage to your pilus.

If you lot demand more than tips on how to go on your hair happy (without aggression) bank check out our blog filled with means to go along your hair salubrious.

half dozen. Dissever Ends

Split up ends are most every bit bad as breakage, merely if deal with them they don't have to exist. Split ends are not good for hair growth because although your hair may be growing from the root, it is ultimately breaking off from the bottom, making it seem like your hair is stuck at a sure length.

To remedy this, you lot must get a trim and cut off the split ends. Leaving divide ends will merely crusade them to split further up the hair shaft, leading to more than breakage and no hair growth.

And then, don't just ignore them, cutting them off and endeavour to prevent them in the future.

7. Nutrition & Exercise

Similar stress, your diet and exercise habits touch on a lot about your physical health. Just similar your skin loves when you beverage your water for the day, your hair loves when y'all swallow a healthy, vitamin-rich diet.

Hither are five foods that you tin can incorporate into your diet to assist your hair stay salubrious:


Eggs are a bully source of biotin and protein, both of which promote hair growth. Protein is of import for hair growth because the follicle is fabricated of mostly protein. Biotin is needed to produce keratin which is a pilus protein.


Spinach is one of those healthy greens. Information technology is loaded with iron and vitamins A and C. Vitamin A helps skin glands produce sebum which helps moisturize the scalp to keep your hair salubrious.


Berries contain a lot of vitamins and antioxidants that can promote hair growth. Antioxidants help to protect hair follicles from harm. Strawberries, as an example, comprise Vitamin C which helps produce collagen, another protein that helps to strengthen and foreclose it from breaking.


In case you didn't already love avocados, they are a great source of vitamin E. Vitamin E protects skin, like your scalp, from the stress and harm of oxidation.


Beans are a great source of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin, all are of import for hair growth. Plus beans are versatile in how you can eat them and typically very cheap.

8. Poor Pilus Care Routine

Having a poor hair care routine is a sure-burn down style to make sure your hair does not grow by a certain length.

Doing things similar towel-drying your hair, using too much product, using also fiddling product, brushing your hair aggressively, washing your hair with steaming hot water, etc, are all things that can lead to breakage and therefore atomic number 82 to no hair growth.

To build a skillful hair care routine, you lot want to sympathise your hair and too learn most things your hair doesn't similar. Your end goal is to go along your hair as happy and salubrious as possible then that it wants to grow and can retain whatsoever length.

What Tin I Do?

Become an expert on your pilus. The best way to continue your hair healthy is to understand what your hair needs and wants from you. To do that you lot take to understand things like your hair blazon, your hair's porosity, and then accept that data and create a hair care routine that fit simply for y'all.

Evidently things like genes and age cannot be taken care of, but if you lot work difficult to contrary all the other harm you may be doing to your pilus then you just might exist able to retain the length y'all want (and deserve!).

Be Your Pilus'south All-time Friend & Information technology Will Exist Yours

If you demand more hair care tips or merely take a question, contact us. We'd love to assistance you lot figure out how to get that good for you, shiny, harm-free hair that you lot want. In the meantime, continue reading our blogs.

Do you have a blog topic in mind? Practice you have some burning hair care questions? Let us know here and we can try to arrange your request!

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Source: https://myrevair.com/blogs/news/8-reasons-your-hair-wont-grow-ways-to-gain-inches

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