The 9 Planets Of The Solar System And Their Characteristics |

In that location are 9 known planets rotates in their orbits around the sunday. These planets are different in their names, sizes and other many characteristics which we will talk about in this article. Here are a list of the nine planets in their order in the solar organisation:

i. Mercury: Information technology is the closest planet to the sun, then information technology orbits the sun very quickly just in 88 days. Its surface is greyness to orange in color and information technology is covered with craters. Information technology is a minor planet, simply 4850 kilometers (~3000 miles) in diameter. The side of its surface which is facing the sun is extremely hot as 700oYard.

2. Venus: Its surface is a brownish-yellow color considering of its thick temper which is composed of  largely of sulfuric acid and CO2. Its size is a piddling over 12,000 kilometers (7300 miles) in diameter. Information technology rotates the sunday in 243.

3. Globe: Information technology rotates the sun every 365 days (twelvemonth) and rotates in its centrality every 24 hours (day). Its size is a little more than than 12,000 kilometers in bore. This planet is different grade other planets as information technology maintains life on its surface. It has a moon.

iv. Mars: It takes 687 days to revolve around the lord's day. Its surface is covered with craters, volcanoes, and big canyons and it has a very cold atmosphere. It has ii moons.

5. Jupiter: It is the largest planet of the solar system every bit a bore of 142,980 kilometers. I t orbits the sun every 12 years.

half dozen. Saturn: It is a big planet equally 120,536 kilometers. Information technology orbits the sun in 12 years. It is well-known for its system of three rings, it has also 47 moons.

7. Uranus: It rotates the sun in 84 years, its size is 51,118 kilometers in bore. It is surrounded by a system of ix rings.

viii. Neptune: Its size is 49,500 kilometers in diameter. It orbits the sun every 165 years.

ix. Pluto: It is known as the most distance planet from the sun. It orbits the sun in 248 years.

To students: To remember the 9 planets with their names in their right order, you tin can use this uncomplicated sentence to remind you "MY VERY EARTHLY Mother Merely SERVED US NEW PICKLES"


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